Sunday, 10 May 2015

The Liebster Award

First of all, I would like to thank my great friend thinkpinkxox for nominating me. The Liebster award helps blogs with under 200 followers grow.

Questions I've been given:

1. Favourite colour?
2. Hobbies?
Social Media, TV and Movies, Music, Shopping.
3. Dream job?
Baby-sitter OR Working in a Lab and mixing chemicals to make cosmetics OR Modelling OR Acting OR Vet OR Therapist OR  Working for an Airline OR Contemporary Artist (not singing) umm yeah, you could say that I'm pretty ambitious.
4. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Somewhere in Asia like Korea or Japan.
5. If you could spend £100 in any shop, what shop would it be?
Topshop, John Lewis, The Body Shop or House of Fraser.
6. Favourite song at the moment?
Hold Back The River- James Bay
7. Do you play any instruments? If not what would you like to play?
I can kind of play the keyboard and that's about it. To be honest, I can't be bothered with composing music...might as well stick to Garage Band 🙊
8. Best place you've been on holiday?
Probably when I was really young, but I forgot where it was.
9.Where would you like to go on holiday?
In the continent, Italy or Portugal. But if I could go ANYWHERE, I would choose Florida.
10. If you could swap clothes with anyone, who would it be?
Zoe Sugg. We're almost the same height and plus, I love her style and my clothes would suit her too.
11. If you could meet any celebrity, who would you meet?
Cara Delevingne. Definitely 😍

Sorry but as you can see I'm not very good at narrowing it down to one answer.

My questions for you:
1. How tall are you?
2. When is your birthday?
3. Rain or sunshine?
4. Describe yourself in one word.
5. Favourite social media?
6. Last person you texted or IMed?
7. Favourite liar in PLL?
8. Song stuck in your head right now?
9. Any guilty pleasures???
10. What inspired you to start a blog?
11. A pet that you have or really want?

Who I tag:


My next post will be 'The Blogger Tag'!

Little Dreamer, going offline xxx